Mission & Organisation Structure

Coffs Bypass Action Group Strategic Plan and Structure.


The Coffs Bypass Action Group (CBAG) is a community-based organization whose mission is to:

Ensure the best outcome is achieved for the Coffs Harbour Bypass for the benefit of the community at large.   As a minimum the Bypass should:

1.      Incorporate Tunnels at Roberts Hill, Shepards Lane Hill and Gatelys Road Hill to achieve an acceptable environmental and noise pollution mitigation outcome;
2.      Incorporate noise and pollution considerations to include road surfaces, viaducts and other engineering noise buffering considerations.

The following committees have been established to support the operation of CBAG and its outcomes:

1.      Coffs Bypass Action Group Steering Committee (CBAGSC)


The role of CBAGSC is to:

·         Coordinate community concerns and ideas for the Coffs Harbour Bypass.
·         Develop preferred concepts for the Bypass to include tunnels at Roberts Hill, Shepards Lane Hill and Gatelys Road Hill.
·         Develop action plans to support the preferred concept.
·         Manage the process for promoting the preferred concepts and submissions for the Bypass to the NSW Government and relevant Departments.
·         Develop appropriate committees to manage specific issues in support of the preferred concept
·         Reports to General Meeting of members

 2.      Coffs Bypass Communication Committee.  (BCC)


The role of the BCC is to:

·         Develop and implement a communication plan to keep the community informed on the progress of the work undertaken by the CBAG and the CHCC.   Work in conjunction with CHCC.  The outcome is to include:
o   Social media communication through Facebook & Twitter
o   Marketing and information through a dedicated web site
·         Develop and implement community lobbying plans for the preferred concept developed by CBAG and CHCC working in conjunction with CHCC plans.  The outcome is to include:
o   Petition to the NSW Government
o   Sample letters for community action via the web site
·         Report to CBAGSC.

3.      Environmental Impact Study Committee (EISC)


The role of the EISC is to:

·         Identify all the issues of concern to residents of Coffs Harbour that should be addressed by the RMS environmental impact study (EIS).
·         Publish the key issues for community meetings and the web site.
·         Review the EIS when it is published by the RMS to ensure the issues of concern raised by the community are addressed and given due emphasis.
·         Identify deficiencies or shortcomings in the EIS and direct these issues to the RMS and NSW Minister for Roads.
·         Report to CBAGSC

Report to General Meeting 5th December 2018